Spanish Major

To major in Spanish, students must complete 24 credits (the equivalent of 8 courses) of Spanish courses at the 2000, 3000 or 4000 level.

Spanish courses fall into three main groups:

Group 1 (Literature): SPAN 3260, 3207, 3208, 3230, 3261, 3262, 3263, 3264, 3231, 3232, 3265, 3233, 3234, 3266, 3267W, 3293, 4200W

Group 2 (Culture): SPAN 3179, 3200, 3201, 3204, 3205, 3206, 3207, 3208, 3251, 3214, 3252, 3250, 3254, 3293, 4200W

Group 3 (Language and Communication): SPAN 3171, 3204, 3110, 3261, 3170, 3178, 3178W, 3179, 3177, 3241, 3240W, 3242, 3267W, 3293, 4200W

To complete the Major, students must meet the following requirements:

A. One composition course (Span 3178, 3240W or 3293): ____________

B. One introductory or literary survey course (Span 3230, 3231, 3232, 3233, 3234, 3242): _________

C. Two courses from Group 1 (not used to satisfy requirement B): __________ ___________

D. Two courses from Group 2: ____________ ____________

E. One course besides SPAN 3171 (see below ***) from Group 3 (not used to satisfy requirements A or B) : __________

F. All majors must take at least one W course as part of the previous 24 required Spanish credits.

*** All ESP Engineering students will take SPAN 3171 (which counts towards Group 3, Language and Communications) the year prior to their year abroad in Spain. This course will count towards the Major.

Related Courses:

12 additional “related” credits are required in 2000, 3000 and 4000-level from programs other than Spanish.

All students in the ESP Engineering program will get the 12 related credits they need during their year in Valencia.

Other related courses include:

• Courses in any modern or classical language.
• Any English, Linguistics, or Philosophy course.
• Any Communication Sciences course that is directly related to second language acquisition or Latino community.
• Any History, Political Science, Art History, Anthropology, Sociology, Economics, or Geography course that deals entirely with Latin America, Spain or US Latinos.
• Any course that does not meet these specific requirements should be approved by the advisor.

Additional Rules:

A minimum of 12 of the major credits must consist of Spanish courses taken in residence. Up to 12 credits may be met by Span 3293. Only 6 may be transfer credits.

AP credits may not be used toward the major.

A single course cannot satisfy more than one requirement.