How to get started…
Depending on your level of language from high school, you can start your first language course in your first semester at UConn alongside your required engineering courses. If you have taken three or more years of a language in high school, you can jump straight to the major requirements in that language. Students interested in the International Engineering Program should consider joining our living learning community – International Engineering House upon entry to the School of Engineering as a first year student. Students can join the learning community for all undergraduate years.
For example, most Eurotech students will start with German 1001 in their first semester in a cohort of around 40 other engineering majors. If you had four years of Spanish, however, you may wait until your second year and take Spanish 3178 as the gateway course towards your Spanish BA. It’s good to apply for the dual degree program in your first year, but there is no problem if you do so in your second provided that you are an advanced language learner. The Technopole France students who have three years in high school will also start with French 3268 in the second semester of their sophomore year.