Declaring your Dual-Degree, Technopole Status

This involves the following 2 steps:

  1. Please arrange a meeting with the LCL Technopole program advisor, Professor Jennifer Terni ( or with Nick Delaney (, Assistant Director of Student & Faculty Engagement, Co-Manager, International Engineering program in the School of Engineering.  This is necessary because you receive two degrees from two different schools, the BSE/BS from the School of Engineering, the BA from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (of which French and Francophone Studies is a part).

2. After meeting with Jennifer Terni, majors can be declared electronically at the following website: IEP Orientation/Declaration Page.  There are important instructions to follow in this process, so please make sure you make an appointment with Nick Delaney or Professor Terni before opting to enroll.  The Dual Degree process will be enrolled by Student Services and Advising in CLAS.  Once on a student’s record, confirmation email will be sent.  When they receive this e-mail, student will be referred to Ashley Fontana in CLAS advising for a degree audit and for special guidance for the dual-degree process. Once you have seen Ashley, Jennifer Terni will be your CLAS advisor and should be considered your main contact for the CLAS/French side of the Technopole program.

Towards the end of your program, at the latest in the first two weeks of your second-to-last semester at UConn you will have to see your French advisor again to complete your final Plan of Study. All Plans of Study are now integrated into Student Admin. This ensures that you have completed the General Education requirements of the School of Engineering and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences along with all of the requirements for your French major.